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Truck Accident Attorneys In Fresno, 加州

在Nunes法律公司.,bb电子在弗雷斯诺的卡车事故律师为bb电子所有的客户提供定制的法律代理 加州 在与大型半挂车和其他商用车辆的碰撞中受伤的客户.

bb电子的 弗雷斯诺卡车事故律师 represent clients throughout Fresno County, 国王郡, 克恩县, ㄧ县, 默塞德县, 并提供免费咨询,以回答您最紧迫的问题, 因此,你可以获得信心,你需要追求经济补偿,以完全恢复.

We understand each of our clients has unique challenges, 医疗需求, 以及经济损失, bb电子为他们提供所需的法律指导,帮助他们就案件的方向做出明智的决定,以改善他们在与保险公司的对抗中所处的地位.

What Are The Most Common Causes Of 卡车事故 In Fresno, 加州?

美国联邦汽车运输安全管理局(Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration)报告称,去年发生了数千起半撞车事故,造成116人死亡,在全国范围内造成了000人受伤, which the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration said resulted in over 5,000人死亡, a nine percent increase from the previous year.

The Most Common Causes Of 卡车事故 In Fresno Include the following:

  • Truck driver negligence caused by speeding, 吸毒或酗酒, 和侵略性, 疲劳, 或者分心的司机
  • Trucking company negligence when hiring inexperienced truck drivers, failure to properly train them or conduct background checks, 或者强迫司机违反《bb电子》,以增加送货量和收入
  • Maintenance or manufacturing negligence that leads to tire blowouts, 传输故障, 制动故障, 以及损坏的安全设备
  • 违反重量限制或适当装载要求的第三方装货商或其他公司/雇员

While most truck-related accidents involve 18-wheelers, 当疏忽是一个因素时,它们并不是唯一可以造成严重伤害的重型车辆.

At 纽尼斯法律有限公司., bb电子在弗雷斯诺的卡车事故律师还代理在与其他大型商用车碰撞中受伤的客户.


  • 公司用车、卡车和suv
  • 运载工具
  • 公共汽车
  • 混凝土搅拌车
  • 自卸卡车
  • 盒子的卡车
  • 平板卡车
  • 重型设备车
  • 垃圾的卡车

If you have been hurt in a collision with a semi-truck or commercial vehicle, contact our experienced truck accident lawyers in Fresno, CA, 今天来讨论你的案子,学习bb电子如何帮助你让过失方对你的经济恢复负责.

What Are The Most Common Truck Accident Injuries In Fresno, 加州?

Because of the weight and size of semi-trucks and other large commercial vehicles, 当碰撞发生时,小型乘用车的乘员可能遭受灾难性的伤害.

Some of the most common truck accident injuries can include, but are not limited to:

  • 骨折或碎骨
  • 内出血
  • 安全带和安全气囊损伤
  • 器官损伤
  • 肋骨和躯干受伤
  • Head injuries, including 创伤性脑损伤
  • 脖子受伤
  • 脊髓损伤和瘫痪
  • 四肢丧失
  • 疤痕和毁容
  • Wrongful death

在与商用车的碰撞中受到严重伤害可能会在没有通知的情况下改变你的生活,可能需要昂贵的医疗护理和长时间不工作. When your collision was caused by a negligent truck driver, 货运公司, 另一个第三方, 或者两者的组合, bb电子的弗雷斯诺卡车事故律师,讨论您的全部需求,以便bb电子一起为您的整体损失寻求公平公正的解决方案.

努内斯法律公司如何运作. 帮助弗雷斯诺卡车事故受伤受害者?

bb电子律所的创始人兼首席律师, 弗兰克Nunes, is a former attorney for a national insurance company, 这让bb电子知道过失方的保险公司将如何回应bb电子的赔偿要求.

Since 2007, our truck accident lawyers Fresno at 纽尼斯法律有限公司. 利用bb电子对保险公司如何运作的深入了解,为bb电子的每个客户追求最好的结果,因为bb电子直接知道他们会尽一切努力拖延, 低估, 或者拒绝你的伤害索赔. We will not allow the insurance company to impose standard practices on our clients.


What If I Have Lost A Loved One In A Semi-Truck Collision In Fresno, 加州?

半挂车和其他大型商用车辆的大小和重量可能会导致立即死亡,甚至造成个人无法克服碰撞造成的身体伤害的严重伤害. 不幸的是, 在弗雷斯诺发生的卡车事故中,大多数死亡的人通常都在卡车外面.

美国.S. 交通部报告称,每年在大型卡车事故中丧生的人中,有近75%是其他车辆的乘客, and another 10% of those fatalities are pedestrians, 骑自行车, 以及其他非车辆乘员.

如果你所爱的人因疏忽而死于卡车事故或因碰撞而受伤, you may be eligible to pursue a wrongful death claim against the liable party.

Those who may be entitled to pursue a wrongful death claim 在加州 include:

  • 配偶
  • 国内合作伙伴
  • 孩子们
  • 父母
  • 兄弟姐妹

Wrongful death claims can be extremely complex, especially if there is more than one party responsible for the collision, which can be overwhelming for someone who is grieving the loss of their loved one.

在Nunes法律公司., bb电子的弗雷斯诺意外死亡律师会审查你的案件并提供法律代理,让你有信心追查卡车司机, 货运公司, 或者另一个第三者的疏忽导致了过早夺走你所爱之人生命的车祸.

We know that no amount of money can bring your loved one back. 然而, 追求财务解决方案可能会给你足够的时间来完全悲伤,这样你就不必忍受未付账单带来的压力, 丧葬费, and the future lost revenue and companionship taken from you.

Contact bb电子的 Truck Accident Attorneys In Fresno 在Nunes法律公司. 今天安排一次免费咨询

如果你在卡车事故中受伤, or have tragically lost a loved one to negligence, contact our experienced personal injury attorneys in Fresno today by calling (559) 702-5124 or 在线bb电子 安排一次免费咨询.

Frequently Asked Questions for 卡车事故 Attorney in Fresno, 加州

What should I do if I am involved in a truck accident?

Call 911 and seek medical attention if necessary. Exchange information with the truck driver and any witnesses, 拍摄现场照片, 联系你的保险公司. It is also important to consult with an experienced personal injury lawyer.


Liability for a truck accident 在加州 can vary depending on the circumstances. It could be the truck driver, the 货运公司, the cargo owner, or other parties. An investigation will determine who is at fault.

What kind of damages can I recover from a truck accident?

你可能从卡车事故中获得的损害赔偿包括医药费, 工资损失, 财产损失, 痛苦和折磨, 和更多的.

What is the statute of limitations for a truck accident lawsuit?

在加州, 从事故发生之日起,你一般有两年的时间提起人身伤害诉讼.

Can I file a lawsuit if I was partially at fault for the truck accident?

是的, 加州 follows a comparative negligence rule, 也就是说即使你对事故负有部分责任你仍然可以获得赔偿. Your damages will be reduced by the percentage of fault assigned to you.

Can I sue the 货运公司 for the actions of the truck driver?

是的, 在加州, a 货运公司 can be held liable for the actions of its employees, 包括卡车司机.

Is there a limit on the amount of damages I can recover from a truck accident?

No, there is no cap on damages in personal injury cases 在加州.

Can I settle my truck accident case without going to court?

是的, it is possible to settle a truck accident case without going to court. 你的人身伤害律师可以与保险公司协商达成公平的解决方案.


如果卡车司机在事故发生时处于毒品或酒精的影响下, they may be held criminally and civilly liable for the damages caused.


是的, 如果卡车司机或货运公司来自其他州,你仍然可以在加州提起诉讼.

What kind of evidence is needed to prove liability in a truck accident case?

在卡车事故案件中,可以用来证明责任的证据包括警察报告, 目击者的陈述, 视频, 卡车黑匣子的数据, 和更多的.